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Introducing Hayley

Meet our Regional Program Officer for the Goldfields Health Professionals Network (GOHPN), Hayley Selleck.

Hayley is a long term local of the Goldfields region, with a background in Private Health Insurance and Tourism, Hayley will be actively developing the network, expanding its membership and coordinating any health professional educational and networking events delivered by the GOHPN. She is also responsible for managing the GOHPN website and social platforms.

The Goldfields Health Professionals Network will bring together health professionals from all specialties to network, socialise, develop their professional skills and share referral pathways. Overall, the Goldfields Health Professionals Network aims to improve patient care, enhance education and training opportunities, and support the attraction and integration of staff living in the Goldfields.

Hayley lives in Kalgoorlie with her husband and three children and likes to immerse herself in the local community with different sporting clubs, committees and other social events.

Based in Kalgoorlie, Hayley works Monday, Tuesday and Wednesdays. If you would like to share your thoughts and suggestions, please contact Hayley by emailing or telephoning 0417 631 321.